Friday, March 14, 2008

100's of Exercises!

Combat Core

The emails are flooding in! Everyone can't wait until Monday!

Did I mention that one of the bonuses comes from bodybuilder and strength coach John Alvino. The Complete Abdominal Exercise Index is incredible!

Combat Core and The Complete Abdominal Exercise Index will give you hundreds of torso training exercises.

You'll never get bored again!

How about this question that came in:

"Is Combat Core beneficial for powerlifters, I mean, I don't exactly have ripped abs?"

Of course! The whole purpose of Combat Core is to show the exercises that develop true core strength. Powerlifters (and any athlete for that matter) require insane abdominal strength to move tons of weight.

But remember, if you aren't an athlete, just someone who wants to train to get stronger, get more intense or get better, Combat Core is perfect for you too!

Do you have kettlebells? There are kettlebell exercises!

Do you have thick rope? There are thick rope exercises!

Do you have kegs? There are keg exercises!

Do you have tractor tires? There are tire exercises!

Do you like to train with non-conventional means?

You better go to

on 3/17!

Your strength coach,


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