Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Combat Core Strength Release Date Annnounced!

Combat Core

Hey Everyone,

I can't wait for the release of my new book Combat Core.

Release Date: 3/17

I am releasing the book with a 3 day sale. It is going to be huge.

I appreciate all the support and emails asking about the book and what's it all about.

I have been working day and night trying to get the book together along with all of the bonuses. The basic package will have 6 bonuses and there will be an opportunity to add on 4 more bonuses - the whole thing is massive.

So what is Combat Core?

Combat Core dispels all of the myths and fallacies flooding the internet about abdominal strength. Why waste your time with endless sets of crunches and sit-ups? Your goal should be to build and development functional core strength for your specific goals. If you want to get better at squats, you need core strength. If you are an athlete and want to improve performance, you need serious core strength. That is why I created Combat Core.

Stay tuned - more information leading up to the release date.


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